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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

new friends :D

well,i think facebook is a really good way to make new friends orw..hahaha..but i'm gonna share you guys with my new friends :D........this is farisha maznan............i call her faer :D.........she's nice and entertaining :D......and....she's just make my new TKCians friends list :D(tht is still three people,not enough :D..-.-")............but like to talk with her anyway...and....she really likes one of my album in facebook :D

this dude's name is:aiman syakirin..............dak SAS....orng pnggil die:Shark :D...wow!..style nickname die :D......he's kind and friendly person.....mulut boleh thn lazer :p......still.....he teach me many thing's about SAS and SSP :D........but i'm happy to meet with you :D