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Thursday, December 30, 2010

happy new year!:)

hmmm...setelah lame kita tempuhi thun nie.......skejap saje sudah smpai ke penghujung nye........i know this is not one of my best years in my history -.-...haha..tp cmne lak korng???....btw.......i wish you all a happy new year :).......may this year become a history..and try to make next year as the recovery :).......................

fiq rase thun nie mmng terok -.-....dimana...bnyk sngt kesilapan yng aku buat....bnyk kecuaaian.......dan.....alahdullilah.....pada recent brape bulan yng lepas......allah telah temukn aku dgn si DIA :)........and from tht day...she has change my life....:)...she's not my girlfriend or something..but....she just make me realise tht...i have to chnge my personal life one way or another

now...next year...i will be a FORM 2 STUDENT!!!..(wow,tht is scary T-T).......at least...i need to chnge my way of studying...coz.....i'm just approaching to one of the biggest nightmares..PMR!!!!!!so....i hope i can improve on my studies for the next year and esspecially about my sleeping in class problem =='

so...hope you guys have your own realisation for the next year :)......HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!!!


  1. Dude.You should learn to calm down when typing.I can sense the passion running through your veins.The lust to type all there is in your mind.But be careful when typing certain phrases from the al-Quran such as Alhamdulillah i suppose?It's OK.I'm sure you can improve much,especially your spellings. :P

    Good luck being a 2nd former.That's the time when you start to discover yourself.And don't bother finding out who I am even though I know you'll bother anyway ;)

  2. hahaha...i do mother who you are....and i know who you are :D
