well..hello guys !.,
it's been awhile i didn't updated my bloggy.
but wht i can tell you is tht.
by according to the topic.the RECENT 7 days in SDAR =.=.
ok..it's not quite bad.many of my friends are NICE with me,but.the annoying thing is,.my friends called me HOT STUFF -.-'.pffft.seriusly.i never thought of tht before,i'm just a normal guy talking or socializing with my friends,..and suddenly they got the wrong idea -.-.
i really can't clasified myself as a HOT STUFF guy,...cause i still don't have a girlfriend YET.seriusly.if you called someone like tht,tp die still x de GF.mengarut -.-".
well.let's talk about the things tht will happen to ME.this friday.24-27 jun,i had a debarte competition at KDU.and it's untill monday..ahaha xD..x skolah 1 hari !.haisssh.but i will be the ADJUDICATOR.wth?!.a form 2 being an adj?.well.tht's kindda hard to accept it.but.unfortunately.I NEED TO =.=...it makes me nervous.judgjing a debate againts some people tht are more OLDER thn me and ofcourse.MORE EXPERIENCE.haissh.and then.my debating pals told me to have a fancy wear like michael jackson.what?.pfft.susah gile nk cari -.-.hadoi.terpaksalah buat sedaya upaya.
OKAAAAAAY,i told you my recent school 7 days after holiday,how about you guys? :D
hot stuff? hahahaa. just go with the flow. if you can't beat them, join them. sooner or later, they'll get tired and stop. don't let it get into your head :)