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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

new friends :3

weeeell.i seriously don't know wht to do in my blog.but usually.i'll post about friends :D.and i have 2 of them here.new ones.but they were sooo nice & now i already felt tht they are my best friends :)

this dude here name's azlan hassan xD

haha.lawa kan gmbr ni?. hotstuff :B.mmng lah,well.i did appreciate with everything tht you had done :).always with me when i had problems.and even though i know tht you're really far away from me at perak there xD.but we still have facebook,twitter and our phones to still keep up with each other :D.thnk you broooo :D

haha.this cute girl over here is hanna :B.and she's a great companion indeed.it's funny when the first time we meet.but yeah.it doesn't matter.just stay strong after your decision eh? and thnk you with all of your care towards my realtionship with her.but.the ending was not like you expected :/.but still.thnks :').oh yeah.she called me Cam xD 

i gathered two of this great people is actually with a reason.where they were related with my problem which i had to faced :/.it didn't end up well.but still.thnks guys :).hope to see you guys more often next year 

see you later guys ! -SN-

Thursday, November 24, 2011

hey there :). long time no seee.

hahaha.well.it's been a long time since i updated my blog.but.since there was someone complaining tht i should do so.well.okay.fine =.=.haha.today.i will talk about you my long lost friend :3.

haha.his name is Wan Adam Zuhair.*looks so gay.right? haha xD.well.he's aweeeeesaaaaanee.a very talkable and funny friend.i miss those days when he was at school.but now.he's at sarawak.because of her mom needs to work there :/.well..i kindda miss you bro.but thnk god there's FACEBOOK!.haha :DD.keep in touch.

haha.well.at least posted SOMETHING for today.so.see you guys at the next post.Kbyeee.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

results =='.

well.fir the monthly august test.it's quuuuuuiteeee better thn mid-year.i mannage to improve all of the subjects,excepppttttt.MATH -.-.but.still.even do i improved.but my friends from other schools are FAR MORE BETTER THN ME -.-.haisssh.darn it.how can you guys score rexults so much easy?.well.at least.i didn't quite study for this test.let's just hope for the final exam.i studied more,asking formulas from my parents,asking teacher perception & try not to sleep in class.insyaalah.if mannage to SAW the malam lailatul qadar.allah could help me more :).let's just hope the best for our results SINCERELY
Shafiq Norhisham

Friday, July 29, 2011

someone tht i need :)

haisssh...sometimes my mind went flying away and trying to think of something.."where is she?"....
the perfect person tht everyone is trying to find.....i had a few chances of getting one..but it's not the "PERFECT" person tht i needed.....if you look back at those things tht i have given...it can be considered tht i am desprate to have a girlfriend.yeah.as a BADAR,it's quite weird for me to find one,but,we have to remember.the things tht made COUPLE is illegal through the thoughts of some muslims is because actually the couples itself tht made this things as in illegal.where now,couples are one of the big reasons why those illegal babies,sexual intercourse, and so many cases tht are involve in sex can happen,but.even in islam itself.there are actually ways of a muslim to express their feelings with a different gender in a good way.so this actually proves to you tht couples are not illegal and neither students & adults can have their rights to do so.

SO,where are you?.i hope you will come to me in a short time.
i will be waiting :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

KIDS BP 2011 :)

well..hello !..wht a thriling experience i had in KDU in 4 days :).
it was quite chalengging being an ADJUDICATOR in tht competition.
yet.congrats to my school for being the champion in this comp :).

i make quite good friends.and so many of it.there was a form 4 from ASIS tht buyed me a mee hon and a glass of milo ais xD.SSP friends.ONE from TKC.SESERI.KDU students and other universities and institutes.

thnks guys for this AWESOME competition :).
hope tht we could meet again.

Monday, June 20, 2011


well..hello guys !.,
it's been awhile i didn't updated my bloggy.
but wht i can tell you is tht.
by according to the topic.the RECENT 7 days in SDAR =.=.
ok..it's not quite bad.many of my friends are NICE with me,but.the annoying thing is,.my friends called me HOT STUFF -.-'.pffft.seriusly.i never thought of tht before,i'm just a normal guy talking or socializing with my friends,..and suddenly they got the wrong idea -.-.

i really can't clasified myself as a HOT STUFF guy,...cause i still don't have a girlfriend YET.seriusly.if you called someone like tht,tp die still x de GF.mengarut -.-".

well.let's talk about the things tht will happen to ME.this friday.24-27 jun,i had a debarte competition at KDU.and it's untill monday..ahaha xD..x skolah 1 hari !.haisssh.but i will be the ADJUDICATOR.wth?!.a form 2 being an adj?.well.tht's kindda hard to accept it.but.unfortunately.I NEED TO =.=...it makes me nervous.judgjing a debate againts some people tht are more OLDER thn me and ofcourse.MORE EXPERIENCE.haissh.and then.my debating pals told me to have a fancy wear like michael jackson.what?.pfft.susah gile nk cari -.-.hadoi.terpaksalah buat sedaya upaya.

OKAAAAAAY,i told you my recent school 7 days after holiday,how about you guys? :D

Saturday, May 28, 2011

orang kaya,orang miskin & rumput

Seorang kaya bersiar siar dalam sebuah kampung. Lalu tersempak laa dengan sekeluarga miskin yang sedang memakan rumput…

Orang Kaya : Kenapa kau makan rumput ?

Orang Miskin : Aku makan rumput kerana aku terlalu lapar.

Orang Kaya : Sedap ke makan rumput ni ?

Orang Miskin : Setelah tak makan seminggu, rumput inilah makanan paling sedap.

Orang Kaya : Apa kata kalau kamu ikut aku ke rumahku. Aku belanja kamu makan besar.

Orang Miskin : Betul ke ni Orang Kaya ? Boleh ke aku bawa keluarga aku bersama ?

Orang Kaya : Boleh. Lagi ramai lagi bagus !

Orang Miskin : Terima kasih wahai Orang Kaya. Tapi makanan cukup ke untuk kami sekeluarga yang ramai ni ?

Orang Kaya : Gerenti cukup ! Rumput lalang kat rumah aku tu lebih dua meter tinggi nye !

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Al-kisah tentang pelajar tahun enam di sebuah sekolah rendah yang
menyambut hari guru. Masing - masing berebut - rebut nak memberi hadiah
kepada cikgu kesayangan mereka, Cikgu lina.

loceng tamat kelas dibunyikan, beraturlah murid tahum Enam Gigih untuk
memberi hadiah kepada guru kesayangan mereka itu. Dari kad berukuran
biasa hinggalah kepada kad yang sebesar gajah.

Tibalah giliran
Leha, ketua kelas, dengan kotak yang bersaiz besar dan cantik, lain
dari yang lain menghulurkan hadiah tersebut kepada Cikgu Lina.

Tapi sebelum itu, sambil tersenyum simpul si Leha meminta cikgunya meneka isi kandungan kotak itu.

jenuhlah Cikgu Lina meneka. Bermula dengan kek sampailah kepada lampu
tidur, semuanya disambut dengan gelengan kepala si Leha tanda salah.

tidak semena - mena, ada cecair yang meleleh dam menitis dari bucu
kotak itu. Dengan lajunya, Cikgu Lina mencalit titisan cecair itu
dengan jarinya lalu memasukkan kedalam mulutnya dan merasa..
"Hmmmm.....masam. ...ha.... cikgu tau dah...kamu hadiahkan ccikgu jaruk
mangga ye. Mana kamu tahu favourite cikgu ni? Pandainya...

"Errrr....sebenarny a kan cikgu...saya hadiahkan cikgu ANAK KUCING," terang Leha sambil bersedia nak blah......

PS:rasenye cikgu die rase ape :DD??

holiday NEWS and someone,

yes,......my school gave us a 3 WEEKS of holidays,....at first,...i was trying to enjoy myself,......untill a day when i need to arrange and complete my file,...okay..at first it was a not a BIG deal,....but when i was waiting for the FRIDAY prayer to start,.........i suddenly forgot to bring back my EMPTY file from school,and tht time my father already arrived,.....and..yeah, it was TOO LATE ==',...great, i thought this holiday is gonna be a BANG,...coz we don't need to do any homework....but untill i just have this problem,-.-....seriously SERABOT.........by looking at the facts tht i don't have ANY notes to arrange it back,....(tht is i think i dozens of papers not to be arrange,)..........and the file,..(but still i can buy it),,,yeah..so i already thought of a solution,(maybe)..so i just need the right time to buy those things,,,...and bile je balik school,........terpaksa x tido -.-.....huh!..ok,...it's time for the part where "yng menyelamatkn keadaan",,

.i just want to ask someone about SOMEONE'S rankings
.so i pick her
.and while with tht,we mannage to have a great chat :DD
.she's kindda NICE
.quite entertaining
.suka kacau orng dgn dia xP....(buahahaha)
.and she appreciates about a "important story" in my lifetht i tell her,
.and i was happy to know her :)

yes,...now it's almost a week of holiday,...but i still didn't mannage to take ANY ACTIONS about tht file problem ==',....seriously,,,now i'm really becoming fluster,.....pray for me to finish this INSANE PROBLEM !-.-

see you guys later!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

someone awesome and my recent life

hmmm......usually things tht you want actually not every of them came true.......coz tht's just life...so before i could start on anything....i just like to tell you about someone.....so mybe its a little bit late for me to tell you guys about her...since i met her actually for a long time...but....i just you want to grab this chance by post something about her...

the names nur hafizah saffian :)
i actually call her kak fizah :D
form5 + tkc + one of a members of a religious organization (i think) + prefek :D

hahaha....even do we didn't actually talk face to face with each other....mybe its just enough for me to see her face :)...hahaha.....hope tht we can actually meet again.....since tht this year is your last year of being a "TKCian" :(.............but i heard tht my school debate team will have a friendly againts TKC at TKC....so mybe this a chance for me to meet her again (hope so) :P.

hahaha....i think tht's just all......coz i think i don't have much time in blogging since i'm still at school............but remember...a happy life usually can be clasified as you have amny friends

see you guys later!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

home work =='

hey guys!.......i reallly miss in blogging and facebook...........so.....i don't really know wht to talk about....but.......i should talk about the "new" sdar =='

wow.....seriosly....the 'hm' has change so many things in sdar after the dissapointing results of our pmr last year...........especially those crap new rules =='..........but.......there are some of the rules tht i really admire.............the form 1,2 stays in 1 block.....form 5,4 in 1 block.......and the form 3's in 1 block.......wow.......i should really like tht.......where........it's so hard for form 2 and form 1 to become slaves of the seniors.....at least....we are not allowed to go to the form 5,4 block's...tht is......not all seniors can accept tht =='.......

school???...omg.....seriosly......it's so making us tired.......at monday,tuesday and wednesday.......the school period is untill 4:00 p.m.......and for thursday and friday........after the school period ends....we have co-curiculum period after tht =='....damn.........it's really harsh.........like i'm gonna say.....the 5/7 days in a week.......we don't have time to relax and do other different stuff thn school =='....

homework??...yes...it's really different thn last year...where...for sdar....it's really so hard for us to hear so much homework for the holidays......but this year.it's so different...where...i even receive.........7 homeworks in a day......and all of the homeworks i have to send it tommorow....=='...damn....and for this holiday.i have so mny homeworks to be settled =='